

Page history last edited by Mallory Burton 9 years, 9 months ago


BC Universal Design for Learning Project Wiki 


 The BC UDL Project was a 3-year Ministry of Education funded project (2007-2010) to seed interest in UDL around the province.  Interest and participation in UDL initiatives continues to grow in BC.  


UDL Events and Initiatives in BC


Although the original project is discontinued information about current UDL initiatives and events in BC is still posted.  If you participated in the BC UDL project, please keep me informed about your team's successes!


New March 2015:  Upcoming UDL: Canadian Perspectives Conference at McGill in May 2015



Getting Started with UDL

For a really quick start, check out these 5 minute videos: UDL at a Glance  or Universal Design for Learning created by Sooke School District Educator Kirsten Wiens, or view the 1 hour David Rose presentation (2012) From Bach to Lady Gaga.


Create a free account to access the New (2013) Universal Design for Learning: Theory and Practice at the National Centre for UDL website.


Or have a look at Harvard's original CAST website or the newer National Centre for UDL website.   


BC UDL Project Training Resources


Notes and resources from the onsite and online training sessions that were conducted during the BC UDL Project are archived here.  Please note that the training was based on CAST's original UDL materials and guidelines 1.0.  UDL practices and tools have evolved considerably since that time.  No attempt has been made to update these pages since the original training.


UDL Wikis, Blogs, Bookmarks

Team members from the BC UDL project created a number of student and teacher blogs and wikis.  Several have shared their social bookmarking collections.  Other BC educators are also creating useful online resources.  You can view these on our team wikis page.  


New: 2013 Paul Hamilton's UDL Resource website with tools and apps organized by the UDL Guidelines.



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Comments (1)

Karina Younk said

at 12:05 am on Jun 12, 2009

Hi everyone,
I did add the UDL Training and SMARTBoard Training notes (see recent activity in the scroll bar to the right), but I wasn't sure where to file them. You'll see they appear in a couple of off places.

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