Sep-Nov 2009 BC UDL Fall Training
In the fall of 2009, the project leader visited each of the 7 school-based UDL teams to provide two days of Onsite UDL Training. A description of the two days and links to all of the training resources are provided here.
Photo of David Livingstone School
Oct 29, 2009 Firefox
New 2013: Paul now endorses Google Chrome and blogs extensively about its many useful features in his Free Resources from the Net.
Paul Hamilton presented Why Firefox is a Better Browser for UDL, featuring ClickSpeak, Answers.com, and Awesome Highlighter. He also showed how easy it is to install both the TidyRead and Readability applications which can be used to reduce clutter on web pages. Paul mentioned Ira Socol's Toolbelt Theory and the importance of helping students to choose and assemble a collection of tools that work for them. In the onsite training we have been looking at a Technology Toolbelt for Teachers involved in the UDL project.
December 3, 2009
Team leaders met online to preview the
Jan-Feb 2010 Proposed Agenda for Online Meetings
These are now all listed below in greater detail.
Flickr CC photo from Tim in Sidney.
December 10, 2009
Navigating and Sharing on the Wiki.
Jan 7, 2010
BCUDL LOR: The BC UDL LOR houses shared UDL lessons created by team members. This session covered lessons, downloading, passwords, lesson template, uploading lessons
Jan 14, 2010
Designing Lessons Using SMARTBoard's Notebook Software; Lesson Activity Toolkit, Title and Lesson Pages, Graphics, Tools, Activities and Games.
Jan 21, 2010
UDL principle Providing Multiple Examples
Jan 28, 2010
Creative Commons and Public Domain, and Working with Clip Art and Images
Feb 4, 2010
Working with Music and Sounds, Working with Video
Feb 11, 2010
UDL principle Highlighting Critical Features
Feb 18, 2010
UDL principle Using Multiple Media
Feb 25, 2010
UDL principle Supporting Background Knowledge
Lyell Island Longhouse Flickr CC photo by sataylor
March 4, 2010
A UDL Lesson Makeover; discussion of lessons in progress
March 8-12 Spring Break
Spring Blossoms Flickr CC photo by Noel Zia Lee
March 18
Removing Curriculum Barriers: Scaffolding Access to Printed Text.
New (August 2010): I have rewritten this page, organizing most of the same information by considering The Expanded UDL Guidelines and Reading Printed Text.
March 25, 2010
April 1, 2010 Paul Hamilton presented on Digital Storytelling. |
April 8, 2010
UDL principle Provide Flexible Models of Skilled Performance
April 15, 2010
Julie Krall will present on Vocabulary Strategies
April 22, 2010
UDL principle Provide Opportunities to Practice with Supports
Abacus Flickr CC photo by ansik
April 29, 2010
UDL principle Provide Ongoing Relevant Feedback
May 6, 2010
Removing Curriculum Barriers: Scaffolding Student Writing
May 13
UDL principle Offer Flexible Opportunities for Demonstrating Skill
UDL principle Offer Choices of Content and Tools
May 20
Maureen LaFleche will present on designing UDL units for novel study: Holes and To Kill a Mockingbird. Rae Thompson will present on the THIEVES strategy for previewing text.
May 27
UDL principle Offer Adjustable Levels of Challenge
June 3
UDL principle Offer a Choice of Rewards
Discussion: how UDL supports motivation.
June 10
UDL principle Offer a Choice of Learning Context
June 14
F2F meeting in Vancouver
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