Multiple Means of Representation, Expression, and Engagement
By now, we are all familiar with the three guiding principles of UDL:
Use multiple means of representation to support the brain's recognition networks.
Use multiple means of expression to support the brain's strategic networks.
Use multiple means of engagement to support the brain's affective networks.
The following graphic organizer, which can be downloaded from the CAST website as a .pdf, expands our understanding of each main UDL principle. It is well worth reading these more detailed explanations of the UDL Guidelines, authored by David Rose. These strategies are based on a considerable body of educational research.
I have been compiling a list of websites that illustrate some of the UDL substrategies. Some are informational or instructional websites and others are free authoring or adaptive tools. More examples are needed, particulary in the areas of Providing Options for Executive Functions, Sustaining Effort and Persistence, and Options for Self-Regulation.
Paul Hamilton has also created a detailed list of examples for a presentation we gave in May 2009.
Multiple Means of Representation Online Resources
Multiple Means of Expression Online Resources
Multiple Means of Engagement Online Resources
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